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Babes in Business!

Facebook: mostly filled with political nonsense, photos of your high school boyfriend's new baby, and throwbacks to questionable outfits. But occasionally, it'll surprise you and help you find the exact thing you've been looking for. Enter Babes in Business. When we stumbled upon this event while aimlessly scrolling down the feed, we were seriously PUMPED. Between our growing website, our dive deeper into the world of social media, and general craving for more creativity, we were really seeking that dose of inspiration that only girl power can provide. 

Babes in Business is a networking group designed to bring strong and inspired women together. They host occasional meet-ups with guest speakers, which is what we were so lucky to attend this past Wednesday in Asbury! After starting our evening with a really delicious meal at Porta (you guys: the White Walker pizza is amazing), we warmed up for some networking with a glass of wine & headed to The Asbury Hotel where it was being held. Have you ever been? It's such a beautiful, cool space. 

After filling out our name tags - complete with insta handles - we joined a group of about 100 cool ladies to mingle before the speakers took the stage to share their journeys & provide some tips and insight. First up were the girls behind Cocktail Caravan, a super fabulous mobile bar (in an airstream!!), who know the ins and outs of PR & marketing. Next we heard from Chloe Masco of Claudia Chloe, fine art photography. We were really excited to meet her, because we'll be carrying her work in the shop SO soon - it's gorgeous & you're going to love it! Lastly, we were treated to some on-the-spot meditation practice with Dana Garced. What a perfect way to ease into some networking! 

When we broke into small groups, we were able to learn more about all the amazing women who surrounded us. I was such a cool feeling to be with a bunch of likeminded girls who are all after success and ready to embrace community over competition.

After exchanging tons of (super cute, obviously) business cards, we enjoyed complimentary sweets & Jordan won a Claudia Chloe print in a door prize (a big deal - she never wins anything) before we headed to the Soundbooth bar in the hotel for a drink with our friends Cori and Danielle. The perfect ending to a super fun, motivational night!

Have you ever attended a networking event like this? Who's your favorite girl boss? We love to hear about other business babes, so reach out to us at And we'll see you at the next meetup!


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